
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Rulebook

Here is where all the rules and information to playing in Nerris is located. Read em, follow em.

6 16 >>Newbie Referral Program<<
by slverwing13
Jan 8, 2019 14:58:54 GMT -5
No New Posts Announcements

All special announcements from staff are placed here. Be sure to keep an eye out for new news!

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No New Posts Chit Chat

Come here to discuss just about anything you want.

Sub-boards: Polls, Forum Games and Fun, Other Roleplays, Discussions, Introductions, Help and Suggestions

21 79
No New Posts Coming and Going

If you are going to be absent for awhile or are leaving us, please post here to let us know.

3 7
No New Posts Creativity Nook

Come here to show off your skills! From writing to graphics, we wanna see them! Also come here if you are looking for pictures or help with anything creative.

Sub-boards: Art Shops, Requests, Display Your Work, Writing Corner

2 2
No New Posts Ads and Afs

All advertisements and affiliate requests are to be posted here.
Guest friendly

Sub-boards: First Timers, Link Back, Affiliates

327 340 UNOVR - pokemon virtual reality
Oct 16, 2022 9:20:34 GMT -5
No New Posts Archives

All old threads are locked and moved here.

[If you need a thread moved back, pm a staff member.]

Sub-boards: Special Event Archives, Route Threads, Town and City Threads, Countryside Threads, Trainer Lobby Threads, Other Location Threads

6 73

Character Zone

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Create-A-Character

Create-A-Character--Come here to create your own characters!
Profiles must be accepted

Sub-boards: Accepted Males, Accepted Females

25 47
No New Posts Plottage

Come here to create your own plots and find others to roleplay with! You can search for buddies and even enemies in here!

Sub-board: Wanted Ads

13 39
No New Posts Keeping Track

Each character can have their own individual threads within this board. Inside the thread can be anything extra that is not listed in their profile. You can keep track of threads here, Pokemon here, coins here, and anything your little heart desires.

20 89
No New Posts A Little Extra Sometin'

This is where various extras can be found such as messengers, journals, etc.

Sub-boards: Nerris Messenger, Journals

3 9
No New Posts Please Post!

Post here if a mod has not answered a thread within 4 days. An available mod will take on your thread as soon as they can.

Sub-board: Completed

1 3

The Beaten Path

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Nerris Pokemon Lab

Within a very futuristic like building, is the Nerris Pokemon Lab. The building has large windows at the front, showing off the impressive lounge inside. There are couches and chairs for future trainers to relax as they wait for someone to assist them. The automatic doors slide open for anyone and are never locked. This is the only set of doors trainers can use to get into the lab. All other doors, inside and out, are inaccessible to new trainers making sure that all trainers wait for assistance in the lounge.

All people looking to become trainers come here to receive their first Pokemon and a starter pack for free.

Sub-board: Lab Records

22 64
No New Posts Silico Forest - Rt.1

The very first area that new trainers arrive in is the Silco Forest. Silco is a very lush forest that boasts a variety of tree types from oaks to pine. If trainers wander off the path, they could find themselves lost among the foliage. Many Pokemon live here so be sure to have a Pokemon handy to keep you safe.

Sub-board: The Fallen Log

6 56
No New Posts Cheveyo Town

When you first approach the town it seems like a simple little place with houses made of wood and stone. But the closer you get, the more it seems kind of...empty. There doesn't seem to be many people out of their houses and there are some buildings that look like they have been abandoned for a while. In one area there is a group of worn out houses built in a circle. Each of them have a wall behind them, blocking people from getting into the circle. But there is an opening into the wall that leads to what could be the ruins of some old castle or large building. The stone the building is made from looks kind of cracked and some of the pillars are broken, making the ruins seem crooked. While these ruins are quite creepy to most, this place is used as the town's Gym.
To get to this town you must go through Rt. 1

Sub-board: Cheveyo Gym

1 1
No New Posts Casta Plains - Rt.2

Not long after leaving the first village, Trainers will find themselves are a very empty spans of land. The Casta Plains have very few trees but do have a good bit of hills to travel over. Despite the lack of hiding places, many Pokemon call the plains home.

Sub-board: The Watering Hole

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No New Posts Aatos Town

Aatos Town is essentially a dig site. Everyone in town lives in makeshift tents or huts made from a mud like material. You wouldn't expect this place to be considered a town but with so many people living here now, there was no other choice but to call it as such.
At the one end of town is a tunnel that travels down into the ground. With lights lining the walls, you are able to travel down and find the gym leader at work.
To get to this town you must go through Rt. 2

Sub-board: Aatos Gym

1 1
No New Posts Zymos Caverns - Rt.3

On the edge of town, lies the entrance to the Zymos Caverns. Within the caverns are many tunnels that branch off and go all different directions. It can be extremely easy to get lost inside. Luckily for trainers, the main path through the caves are actually lit up by wired lights along the walls. However, some trainers may chose to leave the main path to explore deeper.

Sub-board: Crystal Tops

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No New Posts Cethin Town

This town is FULL of people. There are somewhat tall buildings and plenty of places to wander around. The people themselves seem to be friendly towards new people and often will tell you of the many things in the town. Many will tell stories of a wonderful bar in town. The bar that many speak of is actually considered the gym. The owner serves as the gym leader and isn't what most people would expect.
To get to this town you must go through Rt. 3

Sub-board: Cethin Gym

1 1
No New Posts Konil Peak - Rt.4

After passing through the city, trainers will travel through Konil Peak. The Peak is closest to the mountain tops that trainers will reach. Due to it's elevation, the peak is constantly blessed with cold weather and snow. Trainers are warned to be careful due to cliffs and rugged terrain. They are also warned to bundle up due to constant cold weather.
The further down the path a trainer gets, the closer to ground level they will go. This being said, the weather will slowly get warmer and warmer down the peak side.

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No New Posts Caladium Town

Some people say that even following the main path through Nerris couldn't truly help you get to this town. The town is surrounded by woods and forests, which makes it seem like a hidden area. There are plants growing everywhere, flowers cover the ground, and there are plenty of tree roots that make their way into the town. The buildings are all natural made from anything the town could use from the forest. Wood, branches, leaves, etc. And everyone lives off the land here. Even their power is provided by solar energy.
Off to one side of town is a large treehouse covered in vines and leaves. This is where the gym can be found.
To get to this town you must go through Rt. 4

Sub-board: Caladium Gym

1 1
No New Posts Atlin Beach - Rt.5

As you continue on to the next route, you are blessed with much warmer weather. The ocean comes in and out off to your left as you travel along the sandy beaches. Some trainers will actually take the time to relax here before continuing on their way. And there are always wild Pokemon out enjoying the sun as well.

Sub-board: Desil Dunes

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No New Posts Arkaley Town

The people in this quaint town are probably the nicest people you will meet in Nerris. They love vistors, love each other, and love seeing all sorts of Pokemon that people bring to their town.This is a place where everyone knows each other's name and news travels quickly. Once they get to know you, even a little, they will remember you easily. As for the town itself, houses are all near each other and it almost seems cleaner than most places. Towards the center of the town is where the Gym resides. It is kind of like a city hall where the gym leader and his family live.
To get to this town you must go through Rt. 5

Sub-board: Arkaley Gym

1 1
No New Posts Khris Savannah Rt.6

The next route is a very interesting terrain. There are tall grasses, gnarled trees randomly dotting the land, and it's not uncommon for the weather to change within minutes. Many Pokemon, however, call this area home.

Sub-board: Odeir River

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No New Posts Leeside Town

As you approach this fenced in town, the first thing you see is one building that stands above the rest. Even from the entrance of the town you can see this building straight ahead, which looks like a large house painted in bright colors. If you go around and ask the other people that live in the town, they tell you that the building serves as the Gym. As for the town itself, it normally seems a bit crowded and doesn't really have a whole lot of room to walk. With paved roads, many houses, and the average Pokecenter and shops, you would say that this town is one of the more popular towns.
To get to this town you must go through Rt. 6

Sub-board: Leeside Gym

1 1
No New Posts Trell Swamps - Rt.7

Hot. Muggy. That describes the Trell Swamps perfectly. With many random ponds and streams darting the terrain, the Trell Swamps can become quite the pain to trek through. Some go as far as hiring guides to get them through.

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No New Posts Ryuu Town

Ryuu Town is a very old-fashioned place. The buildings are like those made in medieval times, making this a town worth seeing. You will find that the people in this town talk of the town's Gym Leader and consider him their inspiration. Most of their houses seem to have at least one, what looks like, dragon scale connected to the side of it showing of their loyalty to the Gym Leader.
At the middle of town is what appears to be an old castle. There are banners are either side of the entrance with a dragon one them, showing off that this is the gym.
To get to this town you must go through Rt. 7

Sub-board: Ryuu Gym

1 1
No New Posts Rylla Lake - Rt.8

The only way to reach the last gym and the elite four is to travel across the Rylla Lake. You must have a Pokemon that can use surf or you can take the ferry across. But no matter your choice in transportation, you are sure to run into some wild Pokemon along the way. Or heck, relax and go fishing for some!

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No New Posts Hythe City

As you wander into Hythe city, the first thing you notice is all the junk. There are metal pieces and various gadgets littering the place. The buildings are all made from some sort of metal and appear as though someone very skilled built them. Many end up thinking that they're in the wrong place because the whole city is like a large junkyard. But you are right where you need to be.
At the center of this junk is what appears to be some sort of factory. Or what once was used as a factory. This is where the last gym leader is found.
To get to this city you must go through Rt. 8

Sub-board: Hythe Gym

1 1
No New Posts Oron Maze - Rt.9

Standing between trainers and the elite four is a large maze. This maze is designed to test a trainers abilities before they are permitted to face the elite four. Trainers must manuever their way through _ different sections of the maze, each with their own obstacles to face.
You must complete a thread in all 5 sections to reach the Elite Four.

Sub-boards: Sector 1--Listen to the Trees, Sector 2--Fiery Plunge, Sector 3--Icy Darkness, Sector 4--Don't Drown, Sector 5--Rock N Roll

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No New Posts Victory Hall

Once a trainer has made it through the Oron Maze, they reach Victory Hall. The lobby of this building is where trainers can rest and prepare for the coming battles ahead. Once they are ready, the elite four and champion of Nerris are located on each floor above you. Each floor is designed how each person wants it to be.

Sub-boards: 1st Floor--Lobby, 2nd Floor--Lee, 3rd Floor--Leon, 4th Floor--Lithium, 5th Floor--Moe, 6th Floor--Champion John

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Beach

Sub-board: Ferris Waterpark

2 4
No New Posts The Meadow

1 11
No New Posts The Forest

Sub-boards: Amarath Lake, Pokemon Ranger HQ

11 25
No New Posts The Mountains

Sub-board: Luric Hot Springs

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No New Posts The Caves

Sub-board: ✹Team Eclipse's Hideout✹

12 12
No New Posts The Desert

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Trainer Lobby

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Hall

The Hall is the main entrance to the Trainer Lobby. If you look around you will find many places for trainers to explore.

2 14
No New Posts Trading Center

Come here to trade Pokemon with other players, look for trades, or maybe get lucky and come across a giveaway.

Sub-boards: Trades, Looking To Trade, Giveaways, Transfers

1 6
No New Posts The Plaza

Come in, come in! The Plaza is full of shops and stores for you to enjoy!

Sub-board: Trainer Flea Market

10 14
No New Posts The Game Corner

The Game Corner is full of games for trainers to play! Come win a variety of prizes within!

4 150
No New Posts The Dojo

The Dojo is an area where many trainers come to train. The front entrance is very similar to a karate dojo.
There are various areas within the dojo that trainers can visit to level up their Pokemon.

Sub-boards: Battle Lessons, Bring On The Battles!

2 2
No New Posts ~★~Contest Hall~★~

Come one, come all and show off your Pokemon's skills!
This is where all contests take place in Nerris.

1 1

Other Locations

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Trainer Village

There is a section of housing meant specifically for trainers. Each house is spread out and given enough property for the owners to expand.

Sub-boards: Section #1, Section #2, Section #3, Section #4

5 19
No New Posts Nerris Guilds

There are various different groups throughout Nerris. Come here to join one or more of them, if possible.
Or even come here to try and start up your own group!

3 10
No New Posts Nerris Safari Zone

Hidden within the land of Nerris is the Safari Zone. The Safari Zone is a large building with a dome shaped roof. There are multiple sections within the building that are designed for specific types of Pokemon. The weather and everything is controlled from the main Safari office to appeal to each Pokemon typing.
All trainers must go through the office first. Here is where you must leave your Pokemon and your pack. You are given a special pack with Pokemon food inside it and given enough Safari balls for your journey through the building. Then you are permitted to go inside and explore. Free of charge.

6 52
No New Posts Archaeological Site

Near the mountain ranges of Nerris is a small campsite that belongs to a group of archaeologists. The group is constantly studying old objects and digging deeper into the mountains. They have various tunnels that go deeper and deeper into the ground, each holding a variety of items to be dug up.
So what does their studies have to do with you?
This group allows any trainers to enter the dig site and help search for more items. As long as the items found are passed by the archaeologists, trainers are permitted to keep the items they find and they can even be paid for them.

10 46
No New Posts Silverbell Ranch

Located in the hills of Nerris is the Silverbell Ranch. The ranch is by far one of the largest farms in Nerris, making them well known to all. From Pokemon raising to growing crops, Silverbell does it's best to help out everyone in the region.
Trainers are permitted to come work on the farm. There are many jobs available for all trainers and no trainer leaves empty-handed.

Sub-boards: Farm Work, Berry Patch

13 40
No New Posts Breeders Central

Breeders Central is the HQ for any and all Pokemon breeders. Breeders can come here to communicate with other breeders and breed their Pokemon.
Non-breeder trainers are also permitted here.

Sub-boards: Breeder's Lounge, Breeding Rooms, The Daycare Center

16 28
No New Posts Pokemon Brawl!

Pokemon Brawl is a place where many tournaments are held. Trainers are pitted against others in a battle royale where only one trainer will claim the top.
Trainers are split into certain "levels" based on their Pokemon. And prizes are given to the top three trainers. Others that participate are given a small token for just showing up.

Sub-board: Brawl Records

15 79

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